Language App Duolingo Finally Added Klingon

Language App Duolingo Finally Added Klingon

Learning a new language is a dish best served cold.

Yeah, yeah, you can learn all kinds of normal languages on the language-learning tool Duolingo, but can you learn Klingon? Until today, ghobe’ (no), but DaH naDevvo’ SoH (now you can). Here’s how. Buy ngop’!

Make your account

If you have never used Duolingo before, making a free account on the service doesn’t take very long. It’ll be a little bit faster to do on the web than on Duolingo’s Android or iOS app, and you should definitely grab either app if you’re serious about learning a new language. Spending a little time on your morning commute to practice words five days a week is going to do wonders for your skill development. (And it’s fun!)


As you begin to set up your new account, make sure you select Klingon as your primary language. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it? Good day to die and all.

Once you’ve made your choice, Duolingo asks how much time you’ll likely spend learning this new language each day. Don’t go 20 minutes if you know you’re only going to look at the site or app for 10—be honest.

If you’re coming in fresh off a tour of the Neutral Zone, you might already know a bit of Klingon. If that’s the case, you can take a Klingon placement test—a phrase I never thought I’d use—so Duolingo gets a sense of your geeky mastery. Otherwise, consider starting with the basics.

Keeping it simple in space

You might feel a little frustrated at first, since Duolingo basically throws you in the deep end to start out. You’ll hover your mouse over Klingon words and then select their English counterparts, which seems like an incredibly basic way to learn a language. To borrow a phrase from Ira Glass, stay with us.

Once you’re done with your first lesson, you’ll earn a little Duolingo experience and you’ll be presented with the option to review what you just did or continue on. Pick the latter, and you’ll then be asked to create a profile—super-useful for keeping your progress synchronized across all of your Duolingo apps (and necessary to get the most out of the service, of course).

From there, you’re taken into the classic Duolingo interface, where you’ll be able to work on your language skills, check how you’re doing, and submit yourself for testing—no bat’leth necessary.

Don’t forget about the site’s other sections, including its discussion boards—if you want to debate pronunciations with Klingon experts—and its Labs, which allow you to find other Star Trek enthusiasts to meet up and practice Klingon with. Alas, you won’t find any Klingon stories to read just yet, but we’re ever-hopeful those will arrive someday.

WordPress Blog

via Lifehacker

March 15, 2018 at 11:11AM

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